Reducing Water Usage in Residential Landscaping: The Best Ways

Learn how to reduce water usage in residential landscaping with these tips. Find out how mulch can help conserve water and why newly planted gardens require more maintenance.

Reducing Water Usage in Residential Landscaping: The Best Ways

When it comes to residential landscaping, conserving water is a top priority. With the average American family using more than 300 gallons of water per day, it's important to find ways to reduce water usage in order to conserve this precious resource. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce water usage in residential landscaping. The first step is to plan ahead and make sure all new plantings take place in the spring.

This will help ensure that the plants are well-established and require less water. Additionally, setting up a drip irrigation system can help reduce water usage by delivering water directly to the roots of the plants.


can also provide many benefits in water-saving landscapes. Mulch covers the soil and prevents crust formation, compaction and evaporation of water, while providing an important visual design aspect.

Choosing the right mulch for the situation depends on the selection of the plant, the irrigation regime and the use of the site. In fact, mulching around trees, shrubs and flower beds can reduce water loss from soil evaporation tenfold. An advantage of established, water-saving landscapes is that maintaining them requires less time and money than a traditional landscape. However, it's important to keep in mind that newly planted gardens will require much more “initial” maintenance, especially when it comes to weed control, and that all gardens require some maintenance, whether they save water or not. By following these tips, you can help reduce your water usage and conserve this precious resource for more important needs. With a little planning and effort, you can create a beautiful landscape that is both water-efficient and cost-effective.

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