Attracting Birds and Pollinators to Your Residential Landscaping

Learn how to create a pollinator-friendly garden in your residential landscaping that will attract birds and other beneficial wildlife.

Attracting Birds and Pollinators to Your Residential Landscaping

Creating a beautiful garden that attracts birds and other pollinators is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and help the environment. To make sure your residential landscaping is attractive to these beneficial creatures, there are a few steps you can take. Start by planning and planting your garden in larger groups of three to five plants instead of individual plants. This will make it easier for pollinators to search for food without wasting energy.

Additionally, vary the height of the plants to create layers that add safety and shelter. These steps will ensure that your garden is home to bees, birds, and butterflies all season long. In addition to plants, consider installing water fountains such as birdbaths and small ponds. Make birdbaths butterfly-friendly by creating places where they can easily perch, such as a few rocks above water level. Any impermeable, shallow container, a glazed plant saucer, or a rock with a natural depression will work if the center is no more than three inches deep.

Even fountains and ponds can be made more accessible by placing rocks or branches close to the water's edge. For the installation of fountains and ponds, consider hiring a landscaper who specializes in the installation of hard surfaces, so that you can ensure that the work is done correctly. Pollinators are essential to our environment, according to the Xerces Society for the Conservation of Invertebrates. They are responsible for the reproduction of more than 85% of the world's flowering plants, including more than two-thirds of the world's crop species. Fruits and seeds derived from insect pollination are an important part of the diet of approximately 25% of all birds and mammals. Welcome all types of beneficial wildlife to your garden and enjoy a beautiful landscape with these tips on how to create a pollinator-friendly garden.

With some careful planning and planting, you can create an attractive outdoor space that will be enjoyed by birds and other pollinators for years to come.

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